
By visiting this website, you agree to the applicability of this disclaimer.

Villa El León Blanco SL trades under the name Holiday Homes Gran Canaria.

Using this website

Although Holiday Homes Gran Canaria composes and maintains this website with care, Holiday Homes Gran Canaria can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the information provided. Holiday Homes Gran Canaria can also not guarantee a faultless or uninterrupted functioning of the website.
Third party information

When Holiday Homes Gran Canaria refers to third party websites, this does not mean that Holiday Homes Gran Canaria recommends the products or services offered on or through these websites. Holiday Homes Gran Canaria is therefore not responsible or liable for the content, availability or use of these websites. The links referred to are therefore visited at your own risk.

Using information

All intellectual property and other rights relating to the information on this website may not be copied, downloaded or in any way disclosed, distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes without prior permission.


Holiday Homes Gran Canaria reserves the right to change the information on this website at any time. No prior notice is required for this. It is therefore up to the customer to read everything regularly: the terms and conditions, privacy and cookie policy and other documents and content may change.

Responsible disclosure

Despite careful security, it is possible that there is a vulnerability in our system. If you notice such a problem, you are obliged to report it to us as soon as possible. You can do this by sending an e-mail to Holiday Homes Gran Canaria who will pass it on to the IT party as soon as possible. If you experience a vulnerability, do not abuse it,
for example, by :
- Make changes to the system.
- Posting malware.
- Access our system and/or share access with others.
- Copy, modify or delete system data or configurations (as well as directory listings or taking screenshots).