Playa Guï Guï

Playa Guï Guï is an exotic secluded beach in western Gran Canaria. The water is crystal clear and has a fresh temperature. In summer, the beach is full of fine grains of sand from the volcanic soil.

Recommended: take a long and spirited walk of about 2.5 hours to the water's edge. Enjoy the view of the Teide, the fresh (sea) air and the silence. You can reach the beach on foot from the town of Tasartico. In addition, you can also get there by boat from Mogán. So the beach can only be reached on foot or by boat.

Tips for the hike:

  • Bring a bottle of water and possibly some snacks.
  • Put on sturdy shoes.
  • Be aware that some sections of the trail contain loose rocks and can be steep.

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